ahhhhhh!!!!!! i need a job!!! darn... i hate going down for interviews and in the end its nothing in return!! SOMEMORE NOW IS PAY ADULT FARE!!! ahHHhHh... before i get a job i'd have prob spent half a month's salary on transport getting from one interview to another!! i'm so sad... no job... bleah... my new year wish is to get a job that can let me sit in office and face the com and type stuff and earn 1000 bucks onwards... muahahaha...
btw... has any of you guys burnt the photos into a cd..? i havent know... isit still in the com... and isit the complete set already..?!!
i asked towkay today whether there are new sheep for her to take care of... i dont think she got it... but i said they are sheep coz she always says "meh meh... meh meh..." but she did mention that they'll be about 10 of them... and will tell me more about them after meeting them...
10:33 PM
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