2nd May, 1430)
Towkay Neo would like you guys to come in in the afternoon instead!
Quote - Who wants to wake up in the morning?! So, you could come in on the
previously stated dates but at
12 noon instead! Then we could lunch together and talk over some food!
It's me again! Ok so let me give you updates of the TJC ARTS HUB thingum that we're supposed to gather and brainstorm about. And this brings about the good news! We're going to meet up again! In the Art Room! Yay!
Ok that excitement aside, we will probably have to meet up one day to discuss about the ideas we have and the details of this project. So this brings us to the main question. Will next week, which is the
7th - 11th of May, be a good week for us to meet up? Because I think all you guys have finished your exams and should be able to come to TJ for a morning of discussion? We're estimating the duration to last 1 hour, give and take. The teachers (including me! =p), will be able to hold this discussion on
Tuesday (8th May), Thursday (10th May) and Friday (11th May). This would be more suitable as the students will come in from 1140 onwards on these days and throughout the day for the rest of the week.
Please RSVP me by this
Friday (4th May) via sms.
Things that you could probably think about prior to attending this discussion are:
- Ideas on how we could renovate the area marked for the ARTS HUB.
- Additional features, functional or decorative or both, that we can set up in the ARTS HUB.
- What you have hoped to have for the ARTS HUB when you were studying in TJ.
- Ideas/features which you have seen (in magazines, your current campus, Curtin campus, etc.) that made you hope TJC had had them
Basically anything and any ideas that would help us start off the discussion!
I shall also remind you again that
this is not a formal meeting. It's a small little gathering at our Art Room with our Towkay Neo and Lucky Heng that includes tea! Yay!
Tues: SK, MH
Thurs: SK, MH
Fri: SK, MH
P.S.: Also for those who have not replied me regarding the gathering with overnight activities I have planned for us on Friday 11th May, pls reply soon too! Especially CW coz we're planning to use your house. If not we'll have to look for another overnight lodging! =D
12:36 PM
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