Dear Friends,
we have long been discussing about a trip together....SO WHY NOT MAKE IT MATERIALIZE!!
Heh..went to school today to view the Temasek Ennale '06 and towkay suggested to us about going for a short trip together! Ok, forget about the glamorous japan, korea, new zealand for the moment...but how about neighbouring places like KL! Well since everyone's schedule is packed to their brim, a short trip would suit everyone fine, and what else is better than spending time together like good old times =)We can shop until drop at KL, and not forgetting our friends like sk, yt and mh etc who doesn't have that much affinity with shopping, there's food, glorious food there too, so you can eat till you drop. LOL. So we can chi dong xi mai dong xi chi dong xi mai dong xi chi dong xi mai dong xi...haha. Sounds good right?!?! Currently the most convenient place is KL, but the other contenders are getaways like Bintan, Tioman, some kelong, so let's discuss! =ppp
ok..i sound kinda like a holiday package brochure. =x
I don't want to book into camp tomorrow! condemn Sucky Aunties Federation. Blah.
10:37 PM
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